XTran: Intuitive and simple

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Networking has always been categorised as “complicated” and “for geeks only”. Most IT departments at Service Providers are packed with people, speaking a language consisting of more acronyms than words. At Belden Solutions NV we believe that the network needs to be “a no brainer” to the user because the applications are what matter. 

It should be simple to troubleshoot a fault. Expert level training should take less than a week, without stringent prerequisites. The advantages for a company investing in XTran are enormous… No dedicated staff for networking, no expensive maintenance contracts and no downtime.

Smells like... SDH/SONET

If your OT staff is familiar with SDH/SONET, XTran will surely make them feel at ease. Many concepts invented in the earlier telecom days were extremely valuable and still stand: sub 50ms reconfiguration is still the benchmark and critical services need protection. MPLS-TP adopted all the benefits of SDH/SONET and made them available in a packet world. 

Migration from SDH/SONET to XTran is straightforward. Applications can remain untouched as XTran provides all the necessary interfaces and synchronisation features to swap the network technology without headaches.

Troubleshooting, fast and easy

XTran provides the opportunity to configure the network off-line, thereby eliminating trial and error situations on a live network. When provisioning services, a wizard will guide the user through the process. At the end it is perfectly clear how a service is routed, what the delay will be, and which protection scheme applies. 

All possible bottlenecks will be highlighted upfront. After the configuration is loaded in the nodes, the network is ready to go live. No surprises or fear! The NMS generates comprehensive but precise reports on network errors allowing fast diagnostics and corrections. Smooth day-to-day operation is guaranteed.

Network management is King

Configuring a network is often the weak point of a telecom solution. Extensive training and detailed knowledge are in most cases mandatory. It is common practice for the operator to use a complex CLI (Command Line Interface). All this belongs to the past with TXCare, the OA&M software that comes with the XTran hardware. 

TXCare is an intuitive, graphical interface for the network administrator. It has built-in traffic engineering capabilities making sure that critical services are configured properly. Network failures are detected and diagnosed. Event logs and audit trails are available to perform in-depth investigations. On demand performance management is done with a few mouse clicks. Multi-functional views of the physical network, the programmed tunnels and its individual services are retrieved on the fly.

All networks carry information.
Some networks carry it exactly the way you want.